Monday, June 18, 2012

Putting Together a Recruit Packet

Hey Chicks!

Some of us are hobby demos, some of us are business, and me - well, I'm sort of in between :)  Building a downline has been a happy accident for me.  When I signed up in March of 2011, I had no idea that I'd ever have even ONE downline, let alone promote to Sr. Supervisor & name my own group!!  Of the three Level One demos that are in my downline now, I knew one by acquaintance who was a random hit off my DBWS, one was a completely random hit off my DBWS (more about the value of having a DBWS another time!), and one is my sister-in-law.

When I first met with Brittny (completely random DBWS hit), who was a stranger to me, I wanted to make a GREAT impression, look professional and business-like, and share my enthusiasm for Stampin' Up! in a way that would give her the information she needed and yet not "hard sell" SU! or overwhelm her.  Of course, it was an advantage that she'd been a demo before, but I wanted to make myself irresistible, so to speak ;)  I was very nervous about meeting her, and I'm sure she felt the same way!  Thanks to the internet, it was easy to find tips from other successful demos on how to put together a professional recruiting packet.

I feel that the basics of your recruiting packet should include hard copies* of the Standard Starter Kit Paperwork, the Starter Kit Flyer, and FAQs About Being a Demonstrator.  (You can also include a Recruit Flyer, but keep in mind with the new Starter Kit pricing & the ability to personalize the Kit, it will be a little outdated until we get new ones.)  If you have a business card (and you should!), make sure you put one in your packet.  If you don't have a business card, be sure to include your contact information.  If your recruit doesn't already have one, include a current copy of the Annual Catalog and any current Mini and/or Sale-a-Bration brochure.  I also like to have a copy of the Demonstrator Manual handy in case the recruit has a question and I "blank".  Put your recruit packet together in a nice 2 pocket folder.  I use the recruit folders SU! has on the Supply Items list, but a nice touch could also be to buy plain white 2 pocket folders and stamp on them (if you have time - I never HAVE had time yet!!).  Last, but not least, add a hand-stamped thank you card for your potential recruit.

. . . and there you have it!  If you take the time to have a couple of recruit packets ready to go, you'll feel well-prepared to meet your potential new downline.  I can't help you with the butterflies you're sure to have in your tummy, but at least you'll have a professional packet put together :)

That's it for now, my peeps!

*You can find these items on the Demo Website under My Business -->My Business Resources-->Printing Place.


  1. Your professional packet definitely worked and answering all my questions because I signed up that weekend!!

    1. . . . and I was ecstatic!!! I'm so proud of you <3 You're rockin' your SU! business :)
