Saturday, August 25, 2012

Offer the Opportunity!

Hi Chicks!

I got an email from an infrequent, long-distance customer last week, whom I'd meant to mail a catalog to.  I'd added her to my customer mailer for the Holiday catty, but hadn't gotten around to mailing the big catty.  She was emailing to ask me how to get one.  Red-faced, I immediately told her I'd add her to my customer manager bulk mailing list & get one out to her.  The conversation continued as she asked "How much?", I replied "Nothing!" (because I got my catalogs for free this year with Great Rewards!!), and she offered to at least pay for postage - which I also politely declined.

Then I thought, why not ask her if she's ever thought about being a demo??  Apparently there isn't one near her, if she found ME on the demo locator, almost an hour away from her.  Her orders, while infrequent, have been for fairly large amounts.  I calculated it wouldn't take much more for her to make quarterly minimums, even if it was just for her own supplies.  So, I took the plunge & opened the conversation - and guess what??  She's asking questions and thinking about it!!

I know it's kind of a scary thought, asking your customer to become your downline.  Your first thought is probably, "But then I'll lose those sales."  Yes, you will.  But trust me, if you keep getting yourself out there, offering classes, asking for workshops (all they can do is say "No"!), doing craft shows, giving friends & acquaintances your hand-made creations, etc. etc.  - you WILL find other customers!

Building a downline is so very rewarding.  You make new best friends who love stamping as much as you do, it expands your creative horizons as you challenge yourself to be a mentor, and you get the personal satisfaction of watching your business GROW.  We already know WE LOVE being demos - why wouldn't you want to share the stampy happiness with as many folks as you can??

So, will my customer sign up???  Tune in next time, and hopefully soon I'll have a happy answer!!
 . . . and if she decides SU! is not for her, it's STILL a happy answer, because I've got a truly educated customer who realizes I'm not just "in it for the money" - I want what will work best for HER & her budget!

That's it for now, my peeps!


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